
2011-2012 Members

Eric Dahlberg (9)
Tanner Day (7)
Brandon Dickson (9)
Chris Dudis (9)
Taylor Elton (7)
Alex Fabian (7)
Nick Faulkner (8)
Makenzie Garrison (8)
Emily Hill (9)
Jaren Howes (7)
Jess Hunsaker (9)
Teige Lovell (7)
Mason Manfull (8)
Presli Martinez (9)
Cash Morgan (8)
Madi Mower (9)
Monika Vailahi (7)
Brayden Woodworth (7)



We are going to Wolf Creek Mountain!!!

Plan on meeting in the lodge every Thursday in January, at 4:30pm.

Club Options:
1. Pay for the four nights and the club fee=$73
2. Buy a discounted student season pass and the club fee=$175
(The normal rate for a student season pass is $195.)
3. If you already have a season pass just pay the mandatory club fee=$25

*The fees must be paid in the LJH main office, no later than Wednesday, December 14th. Once you have paid your fees give Mrs. Williams (Rm. 2302) a copy of your receipt.

If you would like to join our Snow Sports Club you must be an experienced skier or snowboarder student, and a student at LJH.

Please pick up the Snow Sports Club Application from the main office and place it in Mrs. Williams' box WITH your receipt, no later than December 14th.


2010-2011 Group Pictures

Our club picture will be taken at 8:15am, on January 14th.

Report to 5th period, make sure your teacher knows you are there, and then quietly go to the gym. We will meet on the southwest side of the gym. Hoodies will be distributed and then we will line up shortest to tallest for the picture.

*Please wear normal colored jeans and your club hoody for the picture.


January 6th

Here's a copy of the random pictures that were taken on January 6th. We will also have a group picture taken (at school) for the yearbook.



Please meet in the Wolf Creek Mtn. lodge at 4:30pm, and plan on leaving by 8pm.