In order to accept the maximum number of students I need more chaperones. We need eight people each night and I currently have six teachers who are willing to help. Parents can help if they are willing to go to the district office (in Farmington) and go through the background check. You will not have to pay the fee; the fee will be covered by LJH. Chaperones need to ride the bus to/from the resort. They will receive a free night pass if they would like to ski/board, if they do not want to ski/board they can hang out in the lodge. If a chaperone covers two nights they will receive a free club hoodie.
If you are interested in helping us chaperone please email
I need to know who you are, which student you are related to, how you are related to them, if you are interested in skiing/snowboarding, what night(s) you can cover, etc... If you are covering two or more evenings I need to know your hoodie size (men's S-XL).
The club is going to Nordic Valley every Wednesday night in January. Chaperones need to arrive at LJH by 3:15pm. We typically return at 8:50pm.
1/4 1/11 1/18 1/25
Mrs. Williams x x abs x
Mrs. Armstrong x x x x
Mrs. Carlson x x x x
Ms. Gillespie x x x x
Mr. Johnson x x x x
Mr. Madsen x x abs x
Mr. McGaffin x x x x
Please respond by Friday, December 2nd. If we do not have enough chaperones we will only take 60 club members. (Last year we accepted 80 students and had a few very upset students because they tried to register after the club was full.)
If you cannot chaperone and your son/daughter is willing to work. I am looking for eight students who will help load/unload the buses. They need to help the teachers manage the lines and they must load everyone's equipment all four weeks.
If you are a loader or your parent is a chaperone you will not have to wait in the registration line.
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