January 12th This is Emily's first time on a chairlift! :)
January 19th (Cancelled due to rain) Here is a picture of a guy that just came in from riding in the rain. Can you see how much water is falling off of his glove?
We called Wolf Mtn. at 3pm and they said that it is raining again, and the conditions are nearly identical to last week. Please check your voicemail. I called every club member and told them that we are cancelling and rescheduling. We are planning on riding the first two Thursdays in February to make up for tonight and last Thursday. I hope it's start snowing soon...
We had a terrible rain storm yesterday and most club members arrived at Wolf with the expectation that the rain would have turned to snow. Unfortunately, the elevation of Wolf Mtn. is too low and it was still raining. I arrived early and talked to a few of the skiers, snowboarders, and employees. The snow was the same consistency as a slurpee and I did not feel comfortable sending our students out in those conditions. Our club will plan on riding next Thursday (as scheduled), and we will have a make up day for January 19 on Thursday, February 2. I hope this didn't inconvenience too many of you. I think safety is more important than a few dollars in gas money. Sincerely, Mrs. Williams anwilliams@dsdmail.net