We are going to Wolf Creek Mountain!!!
Plan on meeting in the lodge every Thursday in January, at 4:30pm.
Club Options:
1. Pay for the four nights and the club fee=$73
2. Buy a discounted student season pass and the club fee=$175
(The normal rate for a student season pass is $195.)
3. If you already have a season pass just pay the mandatory club fee=$25
*The fees must be paid in the LJH main office, no later than Wednesday, December 14th.
Once you have paid your fees give Mrs. Williams (Rm. 2302) a copy of your receipt.CLUB REQUIREMENTS:
If you would like to join our Snow Sports Club you must be an experienced skier or snowboarder student, and a student at LJH.
Please pick up the Snow Sports Club Application from the main office and place it in Mrs. Williams' box WITH your receipt, no later than December 14th.